Monday 11 March 2013

These are all the same color dresses with the same hair length and color. But as you guys an see, how 1 small change to a design can change everything.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Cute sweaters

This is a cute Sponge-bob sweater!Right now it's Winter and near Spring this is a perfect Fashion choice!

 Then there's this. This is more of a Spring sweater but still cute!

Last but not least there's this Sweater. It's more like a shirt mixed with a sweater but it's perfect for Spring and Winter!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Okay, just look at Selena's style in her song 'Falling Down'c I totally love it!!! What do u guys think?

Monday 27 August 2012

Who's Do' You Like?

Taylor Swift comes out with a fantastic braid on the side. I really like her loose, wavy side bang. On the other side, she has a few loose strands that stand out and tie the look together. I love her look, no argument there.
No wonder she came out smiling.

What do you think?

This picture of Miley Cyrus was taken at a photo shoot different from Taylor Swift's.

This is not a normal braid, its a Fishtail braid. I personally think this braid suits Miley very well but if she had some strands of hair at the side sticking out like Taylor's it would look much more fashionable.

What do you think?